This past week, I have really struggled with feeling as though I am not “enough.” Not in terms of my relationship to anyone else, but rather not enough for myself, like I am sub-par according to my own expectations. I feel as though I am not accomplishing as much as I should be, that I am not as dedicated or tough or focused or disciplines as I used to be, and that perhaps I’m wasting my time, my potential. This meme was really helpful for me, and I am going to print it off and look at it every morning as I visualize the “best version of me.” I am determined to accomplish great things in 2016; I want to be proud of myself and who I am, and I never want another year filled with so much doubt and confusion.
When I picture the best version of me, my ideal self, I see a woman who is strong, confident, and capable. She is dedicated to her work, her health, her community, and her family. She is fulfilled through her work and believes she is making a difference, and she makes time to write and run and lift and volunteer and compete in…well, something physical (but she hasn’t quite worked that out for sure yet). She confronts her fear of failure. She is a good friend. She loves hard, and she has finally learned how to clean her damn room and keep it clean.
(That last part may be a bit of a stretch…but perhaps speaking it into existence will do the trick!)