It’s funny how love works. Sometimes all the grandest gestures in the world don’t make a bit of difference, even if you wish they would, and you just can’t love someone. Other times…seeing him burning up with fever–or exhausted and congested and frustrated and grumpy–just makes you want to take the weight of the world for him, even though he’d never let you. Somehow, perhaps inexplicably if we rely on logic, this man has unlocked your love simply by existing.
Tag: Passion
Munchkins, You Are My “Why”
In response to the Daily Post’s Reason to Believe : “At the end of every hard-earned day / people find some reason to believe.” What’s your reason to believe?
When I think back on some of the hardest times I’ve ever experienced, sometimes I’m not even sure I quite remember how I made it through. What I do know is that I have clung to two statements my mother used to repeat when I was a child: “This too shall pass,” and “Sometimes you have to either laugh or cry, and I’d just rather laugh.” This combination of hope, perseverance, and humor in the face of struggle has gotten me through many tough breaks.